Create an outdoor movie in your own back yard!
What you will need:
Large White Bed Sheet
Push Pins to hang the sheet up
Extention cord
IPad or Laptop to play movie from
Projector (rent from local library or school)
If you want to get a little crazy...
String up lights around the screen or make a lit up movie isle for safety!

Pull your little Vehicles & Power Wheels up to the drive in or lay down on a blanket and enjoy the show! Maybe even request a few talents during intermission if necessary (for bathroom breaks!) Honestly, these kiddos don't move during the entire movie!
Some great snack ideas:
Pre- pop popcorn in a bowl, give each child a coffee filter to fill up!
Licorice or Rice Krispy Treats, easy, simple and fun!
Have baby wipes out for their easy access.
Ice Water; Use a large Gallon Cooler with a spout that they can help themselves to!
Or a Large Pitcher of Lemonade
Whatever it takes so you are not in and out "serving" & the kids can help themselves :)
And remember... while they are watching their movie, its always fun adult time behind the scenes!
Enjoy your summer and make each day as simple for you as can be and fun for the entire family!