Challenge Yourself one Month at a time
A very wise friend of mine, Marda, shared with me that it takes 21 days to make a habit.
If you succeed in these monthly challenges below, you are on your way to a healthier, happier you!!
Implement these challenges even after the month is over because it will become an automatic daily habit into your busy lifestyle! (or just some fun time with your kiddos too!!) Give it a shot and MAKE IT HAPPEN! "Share" & "comment" below on your success! Some months have links to click on for more great details!
SEPTEMBER 2014: Tweet, Post & Share your daily joy no matter how big or small. Use #findingjoy @TheMomsDiet

A very wise friend of mine, Marda, shared with me that it takes 21 days to make a habit.
If you succeed in these monthly challenges below, you are on your way to a healthier, happier you!!
Implement these challenges even after the month is over because it will become an automatic daily habit into your busy lifestyle! (or just some fun time with your kiddos too!!) Give it a shot and MAKE IT HAPPEN! "Share" & "comment" below on your success! Some months have links to click on for more great details!
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InstaAdvent Photo Challenge |
DECEMBER 2017: InstAdvent Photo Holiday Fun! #BHAdvent Social Media fun one day at a time! (Instagram @ConniesLuv)
SEPTEMBER 2017: Join our #MomStrong #MindStrong 3 Month Challenge!
JUNE2016: Apple Cider Vinegar!!!!! Watch the video & do your own research too... you'll see not only what I mean but once you try it you'll feel that summer-food-gut-rot melt away!!! (Yuck, yuck, yuck but mix it with pineapple juice (watch your sugars on it!) and it'll be smooth sailing and WAY better tasting!!) Click here to view an entertaining & fun ACV Chat!
MAY 2015: The house is in order, now, think back... what was your favorite moment and/or vacation last summer? Find your favorite photo from that time, order a 5x7 or 8x10 of it and frame it! Keep that momentum out to remind you how fast this summer coming up will blow by. Be reminded of how important it is to be with your kids and embrace those special moments with them. You know what I always say, "The days are long & the years are short!" Keep that photo where you'll see it everyday and make this summer ahead even better than the last!
APRIL 2015: I hate to say it but we all know we are starting to feel it... Spring Cleaning!! The windows are opened and the house is airing out, if not already, from the winter hibernation. I love reading about cleaning & organizing tips and I thought this one was pretty clever, and helpful to stay on task! Here is a great day by day guide on taking one day at a time this month to getting the job done! **Take the April Challenge and one day at a time get that house spick & span (well... somewhat!) Metro Parents Spring Cleaning Guide
MARCH 2015: Ok, so I guess I'm feeling the holidays a little bit!! Take the time to get some funny green goods at the dollar store; wigs, necklaces, mustaches, hats, etc. Take a white sheet and hang it up as a back drop (or whatever solid color you have or plain wall will do!) and do a fun St. Patty's photo shoot with the kids, doesn't matter how great or perfect they turn out, let the kids play around and have fun and take the pics as they dress up green!!
Post your photos for us to see and enjoy too! Click here for more Pattys Day Fun!
FEBRUARY 2015: Take the time to ENJOY making Valentines with your kids if you don't already. Make Valentines Day special with red colored foods, decorations, and goodies! Don't rush thru it, take the time and enjoy it! (I feel like its only 5 years of them celebrating it at school!) So make it a special Valentine tradition to write each other valentine notes at home) Check out a past post that I loved writing, How The Moms Mom made Valentines Day Fun!
JANUARY 2015!!! BE in the Moment! Don't let time pass you by, Embrace the people around you and/or the people you are about to meet that you wouldn't have even noticed otherwise. Be In The Moment Video

AUGUST 2014: Take the time to smile each day!
JULY 2014: Call a friend you've been thinking about for a while now and get together with her or send a card. Its amazing what you can reconnect after time has passed us by too quickly!
JUNE 2014: Find a local active fundraiser such as "Relay for Life" or a "Color Run" to do together as a family activity this summer.
MARCH 2014:
Do 1 healthy thing a day; 10 minutes more of excising? maybe drink more water, change your whole milk to Almond Milk, get rid of certain foods and swapping it for a healthier choice. One healthy item a day to a better you and healthier family! Go to bed knowing you made one small change each day. Walk the treadmill during your favorite show? (all inspired by Alison Sweeney!)

FEBRURARY 2014: Share the LOVE; leave thank you / compliment notes for one another in the family each day about what you love about one another. On the kitchen sink, on the dresser, pillow, toys, computer, etc. You'll be surprise at the kids responses and the little surprises that they'll enjoy sharing with one another, and even YOU!
JANUARY 2014: When making your New Years Resolution, take into account what you already do love about you and your life. Take 5 things you really want to achieve and not only write them down and share your goals with others to make you more accountable but make an action plan and a deadline to make it happen.
DECEMBER 2013: Just make it thru the end of the month, period! ha,ha, he, he, ho, ho!
NOVEMBER's Challenge of the Month! Start a Book of Gratitude! (The Nov. 3, 2013 Post)
Make it known to others what and why you are grateful for them!
OCTOBER's Challenge of the Month! Find an accountability partner to work out with. Share your monthly goals and where you want to be, then keep each other accountable each day!
SEPTEMBER's Challenge of the Month! Take the time to plan your time! This is such a busy time of year that seems more chaotic than others because its the month we get back on schedule from a summer of fun and freedom! Make the time to write down all of the families activities; sports, church, school, etc. and write in when you are going to take time for yourself. VIP!!! Its the time to do what YOU need to do... workout, read, clear your mind... whatever is to keep your head cleared and your heart strong. If its scheduled, you'll do it so write it in no matter how big or small, its YOUR time, IT MATTERS! When Momma's happy... the entire family is happy!
AUGUST's Challenge of the Month! Getting thru the August month is challenge enough! School anxiety is right around the corner. This month comes once a year and we still seem to never be ready for it. Start now, get everything in order; school shopping, schedules, etc. and be prepared when it comes time to sending your little summer time cuties off to school! Maybe you'll even enjoy a cup of coffee while looking out the Starbucks window watching the last minute "others" prepare for the big day (those are the Moms that need The Moms Diet for next year!) !!!
JULY's Challenge of the Month! Drink 8 - 8oz. glasses of water every day! Stay hydrated this summer, its great for your skin, great for YOU and most of all keeps you energized to have fun with your kids! Comment below and let us know how this challenge is going!
JUNE's Challenge of the Month! Just a couple weeks left of the month and its never to late to add a new challenge! Eat 2 fruits a day! (Small daily changes = bigger & happier results!) Eat a banana in the morning and bring an apple to work for a snack during the day!