Monday, September 18, 2017

40, Fit & Fabulous OR Fat & Frumpy?!!!!

As if TMZ caught me at my worse!
Feeling Fab with my sista!
A battle I faced when I turned 40, just a number anyway right, no way I was the heaviest ever and I was not facing the doctor again with that #?!  Not for me, I was 9 months in and I had to make a choice and stop the battle within myself.  I stopped working out months ago, or was it years? & started putting myself last.  Within the everyday chaos serving the needs of my family I did what I told every mom what NOT to do and quit thinking about myself when it came to health and nutrition.  My to-do list was a million things long but was the list as important as my health?  “Oh it’s just a season, I’ll get back on track!”  I’d say.  I choked down my Garcinia Cambogia please- make- me- skinny- overnight- pills with a shot of Apple Cider Vinegar and realized this is not the only thing that’s going to get me back on track!  I have to say, I started off on the right path, I had all the right people in my court helping me out; Personal 9Round trainers Jerry & Trina, Emily with Shakeology, Angie my detox queen with supplementing properly, and Dr. Sweet with chiropractic care.  Even with all the right people & tools, it was the mindset that I couldn’t get on track!  I would think about it so much that I swear I did it but saw no physical results!  Ever feel that way?!  Wow, how the mind plays games on me!

Angie leads by example!
I opened the fridge and wanted to take down that large cold, stuffed crust, spinach and pepperoni pizza slice just one last time for breakfast but I opted to the banana/ peanut butter/ CafĂ© Latte Shake instead and said todays the day I’m making a healthy difference in my life for me and my family.  After all, if I was going to be a guest speaker on “Faith, Family, Fitness, & You!”  I had to walk the walk not just talk the talk!  One last time I looked at my "UnFab" Photo that made me feel absolutely huge and said to myself, "I did it before, I can do it again".  No! Not falling off the healthy train sillies, but getting on and hanging on for a lifestyle change.  It was time to focus on what I WILL do, not what I WON’T!  “I will eat healthy” not, “I won’t eat that!”  It just makes me want it more when you say you CAN’T have it, agree?!  “I will commit to fitness 30 minutes a day first thing” not “I don’t have time!” It’s all my mindset that plays games with me! 

So I write to YOU, #1 to stay accountable and #2 hoping other moms will join me on my journey of #MOMSTRONG #MINDSTRONG!

I realized if I’m not making a difference in my own health, my children won’t make a difference in theirs.  How can I tell them to get out and move if I’m not motivated myself?  Our family has fallen into a sedentary lifestyle and it was time to lead by example.  Soccer, Swim, Baseball, Church, School activities, could we really add one more thing on our busy calendar!?!  YOU BETCHYA!!!  Instead of sitting in the car watching the practice on our phone, we get out and move!  Instead of sitting down after dinner, we get out and move!  Winter?!  We have stairs in our house to take the time to run up and down while the others do crunches, jumping jacks or pushups?!  Work time, am, pm or lunch?! Sound like a plan?! Are you in or out?!  Are you already doing this, then share your story with us!?!

Instead of waiting for this New Year of 2018 to kick start your health goals, I want to FINISH 2017 #MomStrong #MindStrong and hope other moms will join me on this journey!  October 1-January 1, 2018 and kick off our New Year right around the corner The Moms Fit & Fabulous Style!   With so many health & fitness plans & gyms out there, they all have great testimonials of what works IF YOU MAKE IT WORK so find a plan that works best for you and let’s make it happen together!  *See our Monthly Challenge Page for more Goal Inspiration*

So here are my goals (& links for you to check out) to stay #MOMSTRONG #MINDSTRONG! Please comment below or on our FB Post if you’ll join me and more awesome moms on our Fit & Fabulous Journey!

When did you last feel amazing?!
  1.  9Round Gym 3x/ week (30 minute full body kick boxing workout, Get your “PunchBuddy” Friend & do your 1st 30 minute workout FREE!
  2. Chiropractic Care, keeping me in line physically! Dr. Sweet (an amazing healthy mom & friend always motivating me to stay on track!)
  3. Proper Nutrition & Plan! (Angie Olson, My7Day Detox Queen & Emily Luck, BeachBody Pro)
  4. Conquer a 30 minute walk/ day or join a Spinning Class, my personal goal! (Find a friend to join you, NO Excuses!)
  5. Focus on 3 To-Do items a day (not a gazillion and the gym counts as 1!) 
  6. Keep a journal!  What’s 5 minutes of journaling a day mean?  It’s proven to eliminate stress by taking the focus out of your head and onto a pen and paper!  Focus on only the GOOD no complaining to your notebook (or hubby!) haha!
  7. Share your goals with others, it keeps you accountable!  Let’s be real, we are in the world of appreciation & satisfaction.  We want to cheer each other on and get positive feedback from friends and family (yes, I said, POSITIVE, stay focused Ladies!)
  8. Love yourself! NO self- sabotaging!!!  Say only positive words to yourself even if it’s putting a post it note on your mirror and saying 10x every morning “I am #MomStrong #MindStrong, Fit & Fabulous!”
  9. Don’t get caught on the scale!  This is about feeling a better inside and outside YOU; mind, body and soul!  It’s the clothes that make you feel and look great, but also how you feel on the INSIDE that matters most.
  10. Post something Positive on Social Media (TheMomsDiet FB Page!) or txt a friend each morning to inspire others with the hashtag #MOMSTRONG &/or #MINDSTRONG!  When you inspire others, you inspire YOU!!!!!
So let’s do this together, take control of us, Finish 2017 & Start 2018, 
Do it for YOU & your FAMILY!