Ann, thanks so much for letting me share!!
After coming across this beautiful piece of art :) clipped on my friends fridge, I just had to pass this on to all the parents out there that could use a visual for their "determined angels"! Pure brilliance in my book!
Ann Dombroe found this on Pinterest and applied it at home with her beautiful girls!
Ella (4) and Emma (7), do not even want to see their name & pictures drop down to a "warning" vs. when it was just a "verbal warning"!
Now they SEE whats ahead if Mommy's words are not heard the first time. Ann says it is working like a charm and when it gets tested to the limit, she stands firm!
If there is a party or fun event coming up on that day she'll cover up the "GO TO YOUR ROOM" Part with a "NO PARTY" slip... or whatever the name of the event is! So instead of just going to their room, their is no party that day either!
The girls know when their name goes on each line, their mom means business! (with lots of love of course!)
Each day is a fresh new start with their names returning back to the top to "try again tommorow"... fair enough for me! The time out is decided on what their age is. Ann runs a pretty smooth ship at home and I can see why after I learned about her "strategy" ha,ha,ha,ha!
Thank you so much Ann for sharing!! You, Ella, Emma and Thanh are a wonderful family with the biggest hearts helping so many others in so many ways! Thank you both for all you do and especially for being you!
Comment below on ways you've implemented some rules at home or how this project has helped to do so!