Happy Motivating Monday!
I'd like to thank Maggie McNeive for sharing her inspiring story with us on how she not only changed her own life but many others as well just by doing what she loves!
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I was introduced to CrossFit in February 2012. Little did I know that I would become hooked after the first workout and partner up to open my own gym, CrossFit Oak Creek, seven short months later! Looking back it seems impossible that it would have become a reality. I have four very active kids, my husband is almost never home, and I needed to get numerous certifications in a short amount of time. I was and still am beyond busy.
What I have learned is "busyness" is not a barrier.
It is a motivator and if you want something badly enough you will find the time.
It is a motivator and if you want something badly enough you will find the time.
CrossFit is a dream come true for moms. The workouts are short (less than an hour), intense (which translates to results) and varied so you will never get bored. EVERYONE CAN DO IT. You do not have to be in shape to get started. You have to start to get in shape and we plan it all for YOU so all you need to do is SHOW UP! All of the trainers are skilled at how to scale a workout to whatever level you are at so no worries there.
There are lots of days I do not feel like working out myself, or I am tired from being up with a sick child, or out late for one of their activities, but I have made an important rule for myself that I follow.
The choice isn't IF I will exercise but rather WHEN I will do it.
It may be 5 am. It may be 5 pm but I WILL DO IT. I never truly "feel like it" but I feel great after I am done...
More so because I have put myself on my list of things to do that are important.
It is a great example for my kids too. They all participate in the kids program and love it! It truly is a family environment at CrossFit Oak Creek.
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My 6 year old doing a perfect overhead squat! |
Please check out our website at www.CrossFitOakCreek.com for more information and to get set up for a free trial. We would love to have you and your family join us!
Thank you so much Maggie for sharing with us! Once again, I ask all the great moms out there,
How many lives would YOU change and impact if YOU followed YOUR heart doing what you already love? Each one of you are so amazing everyday, share your talent with others like Maggie did, make YOU a priority and then see the "greater" example your family will follow!
click below to learn more!