Thursday, June 20, 2013

Complete Chaos

I woke up and the house had this unusually, refreshing, clean smell.  THE HOUSE WAS spotless!!! I jumped out of bed gracefully and twirled around the house as if I were Sofia The First at her first day in the castle!  Ahhh...peacefulness...  I'm tripping over nothing on the floor,  spinning right along !  everything's put away!  Spinning gracefully thru the kitchen and not a dirty dish in site!  and the Living Room, what a site to see, dusted, sparkling clean with no laundry waiting for me by the stairs... BAM!  I twirl right into the staircase, face slams  flat into the wall, I totally, full force biff my forehead and lights out, I flop ungracefully to the floor like a sac of potatoes!

I find myself in bed, whats that nasty smell??  That noise?  My 2 year old, playfully jumping on my face with his little bootie (diaper smell), my 9 yr. old sitting right next to me laughing out loud while playing Minecraft on the Ipad and my 2 little girls playing with their Barbies at the foot of my bed.  It was all a dream!?!?!?  WTHeck!?!?? It's like when I say, "My house was clean, until I blinked!"  and they found me?? how do they always FIND ME??!!

Of course!  Now I remember, today was complete chaos, the kids were "way energetic", the house in complete disarray and me ready to completely lose it, I remember I took a deep breath, walked upstairs to give myself a "time out" before my very own "mommy tantrum", and I must've fallen asleep.  Yikes!  I sure felt a little better after my "nap" and the kids put themselves on co-pilot while mom decides to completely crash I guess!  (Two things make me feel absolute better...clean house ... and....ok, there's more than two...tell ya later... wink, wink)

Oh COME ON!! The kids were safe and you all agree! all you judging mommies out there!  I could've woke up to worse!  Kids aren't the only ones who need a time out, you know!?

But today, was nuts, absolute nuts and I was just exhausted and extremely over tired.  There are some days where this same crazy scenario is happening and I'll crank up the radio and we'll dance it out around the house but then there are days like today where I just need a break to clear my head.  I felt completely overwhelmed, emotional, tired, and all the above that just catches up with me!  I couldn't shed the chaos today, like any "diet" I just wasn't "on".  I fell off the bandwagon you could say.  So....... now what, what do I share with you to keep the fun and "live the lifestyle?"  I share that we, as mothers, are entitled to a bad day here or there.  It doesn't mean we are bad mothers!  It means we are normal, and its ok!!!  and ladies, that we need a plan...

Well, of course, we all need sleep but most of all, a plan, BWAHAHAHAHA, that's the wicked witches laugh, go ahead, do it aloud really deep and mischievous as you read it again, unless you feel like being the good witch, make it sound pretty- go with your heart, loud and strong ;)! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

Us Mothers will stay ahead of you kids that are out to get us this summer!!! (I think mine take turns each day, "You get mom today, I get her tomorrow.  Whoever gets her to completely loses it, wins!"  Ha! Ha!! I'm ahead of my cute little rascals and I'm going to show them this mommy will keep them on track this summer!!!

So stay tuned for "The Moms Summer Plan" and how to keep your kids from putting YOU into complete chaos!!