Wednesday, June 26, 2013

"Mia-isms" When Kids Say The Darnest Thinks!


When mothers are reminded why everything we do, no matter how big or small for our children, is worth everything when we hear them say the darnest things... and to us... the funniest...

(Comment below and share with us your last Mia-ism!)

6/2013 My daughter's logic... "I'm going to become a vegetarian after summer, not because I care that they kill animals because I don't*, but because its healther but I'm not going to be healthier until after summer." Hmmm....
-Paige 13, daughter of Michelle
*Paige does care, she really does!

(Stay tuned for their Para sailing adventure together!)

8/2013 "Mia, did you ask for permission to play with that?" Cameron
"What's pimission?" Mia, playing in Camerons room.

"you asking me to play with it and me telling you no" Cameron
"no, I just knew I should play with it." Mia

She won, she usually does when it comes to her big brother!
-Conversation heard by The Mom, Cameron 9 & Mia 5


7/2014  "Maximus, are you glad we got a puppy now?" Mia asks while leaving with our new addition and holding Maximus's hand to the car.

"Yes" Maximus

"So now you don't have to pretend to be one anymore!" Mia
-Mia 6 & Maximus 3

Sunday, June 23, 2013

The CrossFit Mom

Happy Motivating Monday! 

I'd like to thank Maggie McNeive for sharing her inspiring story with us on how she not only changed her own life but many others as well just by doing what she loves!

I was introduced to CrossFit in February 2012.  Little did I know that I would become hooked after the first workout and partner up to open my own gym, CrossFit Oak Creek, seven short months later!  Looking back it seems impossible that it would have become a reality. I have four very active kids, my husband is almost never home, and I needed to get numerous certifications in a short amount of time.  I was and still am beyond busy. 

What I have learned is "busyness" is not a barrier.  
It is a motivator and if you want something badly enough you will find the time.

CrossFit is a dream come true for moms.  The workouts are short (less than an hour), intense (which translates to results) and varied so you will never get bored.  EVERYONE CAN DO IT.  You do not have to be in shape to get started.  You have to start to get in shape and we plan it all for YOU so all you need to do is SHOW UP!  All of the trainers are skilled at how to scale a workout to whatever level you are at so no worries there.

There are lots of days I do not feel like working out myself, or I am tired from being up with a sick child, or out late for one of their activities, but I have made an important rule for myself that I follow.  

(The Mom refers to this as a "Maggie Stand"!)

The choice isn't IF I will exercise but rather  WHEN I will do it.  

It may be 5 am.  It may be 5 pm but I WILL DO IT.  I never truly "feel like it" but I feel great after I am done...

More so because I have put myself on my list of things to do that are important. 

It is a great example for my kids too.  They all participate in the kids program and love it!  It truly is a family environment at CrossFit Oak Creek. 

My 6 year old doing a perfect overhead squat!
Please check out our website at for more information and to get set up for a free trial.  We would love to have you and your family join us!

Thank you so much Maggie for sharing with us!  Once again, I ask all the great moms out there,
How many lives would YOU change and impact if YOU followed YOUR heart doing what you already love?  Each one of you are so amazing everyday, share your talent with others like Maggie did, make YOU a priority and then see the "greater" example your family will follow!

click below to learn more!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Super Moon for Super Moms!

click on to learn more:
The Super Moon Rises!

Don't forget to watch the SUPER MOON this weekend and feel blessed for all that YOU ARE and all that we are grateful to have!! 
(Look for the Big "M" glowing in the middle of it ;))

Tips for a Great Summer; The Moms Summer Plan

The Moms Summer Plan

Summers are great;  no schedules, no commitments, no running around like chaos, I KNOW! BUT.... having a plan keeps the family out of the house on a beautiful day, kids off the couch, the television off, arguments to a minimum, no "I'm bored" is spoken  and everyone has  fun staying "UNPLUGGED"!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Complete Chaos

I woke up and the house had this unusually, refreshing, clean smell.  THE HOUSE WAS spotless!!! I jumped out of bed gracefully and twirled around the house as if I were Sofia The First at her first day in the castle!  Ahhh...peacefulness...  I'm tripping over nothing on the floor,  spinning right along !  everything's put away!  Spinning gracefully thru the kitchen and not a dirty dish in site!  and the Living Room, what a site to see, dusted, sparkling clean with no laundry waiting for me by the stairs... BAM!  I twirl right into the staircase, face slams  flat into the wall, I totally, full force biff my forehead and lights out, I flop ungracefully to the floor like a sac of potatoes!

I find myself in bed, whats that nasty smell??  That noise?  My 2 year old, playfully jumping on my face with his little bootie (diaper smell), my 9 yr. old sitting right next to me laughing out loud while playing Minecraft on the Ipad and my 2 little girls playing with their Barbies at the foot of my bed.  It was all a dream!?!?!?  WTHeck!?!?? It's like when I say, "My house was clean, until I blinked!"  and they found me?? how do they always FIND ME??!!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Ovarian Cancer

Please share this link with others, we can never educate each other enough about it:
About Ovarian Cancer

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Heather's Simple Summer Fun Entertaining

Our First Guest Blogger, Heather Eberle, mother of 3 beautiful girls, shares her simple ideas of fun! 
 Thank You for sharing with us Heather!!

Nothing better than friends, food & a little drink to kick off the first week of Summer Break! When I say "drink" I mean a little 'Sanity Solution' to give four Stay-at-Home-Moms a happy start to 24/7 x 8.25 weeks of Summer. But, who's counting?

Sanity is Served! SUMMER SENSATION Adult Only Beverage (found on Pinterest)
Ingredients: 1.5 liters of Moscato (found in liquor aisle), 3 cups of Sprite & Pink Lemonade Frozen Concentrate
Mix all the ingredients together in a pitcher & serve over ice. Seriously, that's it!

I clean & save all of my glass jars, knowing that one day, I will have an absolute amazing need for them, like today. When my Mommy friends arrived, each had a personalized glass as a fun summer souvenir (hand-inscription by Red Sharpie) to drink their Summer Sensation in.

Lunch is served! with a delicious SUMMER SALAD:
Ingredients: 1 box whole wheat rotini, 1 bottle of Creamy Poppy Seed dressing, 1 cup of chopped strawberries, 1 cup of blueberries, 1/2 cup of chopped red onion, 1/2 cup toasted pecans, 1 can of drained pineapple chunks, & 1 salad bag of Spinach
Cook rotini according to the package instructions. Once all cooked, drain & run cold water over it to cool off. Mix the rest of the ingredients, except spinach, all together. Once mixed together, place the rotini mixture over the bed of spinach. Enjoy!

For the kids? Hot dogs, chips, fruit & a sweet treat after, like everyone s favorites; chocolate chips or pre-made mini ice cream cones. Keepin' it simple! After all, it's Summer Break. We don't want to see anybody working too hard!

Happy Summer, Mommies!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Waterbugs & Dragonflies

Waterbugs and Dragonflies:
Explaining Death to Young Children
by Doris Stickney

(Thank you Lindsey Chaney for sharing this story with us.)

Down below the surface of a quiet pond lived a little colony of water bugs. They were a happy colony, living far away from the sun. For many months they were very busy, scurrying over the soft mud on the bottom of the pond. They did notice that every once in awhile one of their colony seemed to lose interest in going about. Clinging to the stem of a pond lily it gradually moved out of sight and was seen no more. "Look!" said one of the water bugs to another. "One of our colony is climbing up the lily stalk. Where do you think she is going?" Up, up, up it slowly went....

Even as they watched, the water bug disappeared from sight. Its friends waited and waited but it didn't return... "That's funny!" said one water bug to another. "Wasn't she happy here?" asked a second... "Where do you suppose she went?" wondered a third. No one had an answer. They were greatly puzzled. Finally one of the water bugs, a leader in the colony, gathered its friends together. "I have an idea". The next one of us who climbs up the lily stalk must promise to come back and tell us where he or she went and why." "We promise", they said solemnly.

One spring day, not long after, the very water bug who had suggested the plan found himself climbing up the lily stalk. Up, up, up, he went. Before he knew what was happening, he had broke through the surface of the water and fallen onto the broad, green lily pad above. When he awoke, he looked about with surprise. He couldn't believe what he saw. A startling change had come to his old body. His movement revealed four silver wings and a long tail. Even as he struggled, he felt an impulse to move his wings...The warmth of the sun soon dried the moisture from the new body. He moved his wings again and suddenly found himself up above the water. He had become a dragonfly!!

Swooping and dipping in great curves, he flew through the air. He felt exhilarated in the new atmosphere. By and by the new dragonfly lighted happily on a lily pad to rest. Then it was that he chanced to look below to the bottom of the pond. Why, he was right above his old friends, the water bugs! There they were scurrying around, just as he had been doing some time before.

The dragonfly remembered the promise: "The next one of us who climbs up the lily stalk will come back and tell where he or she went and why." Without thinking, the dragonfly darted down. Suddenly he hit the surface of the water and bounced away. Now that he was a dragonfly, he could no longer go into the water... "I can't return!" he said in dismay. "At least, I tried. But I can't keep my promise. Even if I could go back, not one of the water bugs would know me in my new body. I guess I'll just have to wait until they become dragonflies too. Then they'll understand what has happened to me, and where I went." And the dragonfly winged off happily into its wonderful new world of sun and air.......

Sara; a beautiful mother, friend and more...

Rest in Piece Dear Sara

Today I write with a heavy heart as I learn about another dear friend leaving us way too soon for her final resting place. Our generation has felt this loss more than once; the hurt, anger and confusion of why the best has to be taken from us way too soon. The best that made so much of an impact on others, the best that is needed here with us on earth as a mother, friend, wife, daughter and so much more. Then I am reminded that this is God's plan A. This was His plan all along and he has something bigger in store for us, bigger than we can possibly ever imagine. Is this why OUR best is taken from US!?! As I write I see how selfish it is, how selfish for me to want this person that God needs, well WHAT ABOUT US? God needs HIS Angels for bigger reasons and that helps me understand that, OF COURSE, He takes the best because He has a bigger calling for them and that is why HE took Sara.

This amazing woman with two very young children that need her, this unbelievably strong woman that made me laugh and kept a smile on my face and her own bringing the joy out in everyone that knew her. This amazing woman that you couldn't help but feel so tall and strong when with her. This amazing woman that brought love and joy to everyone. This was God's plan for us to learn everything we could on HOW she lived her amazing life here on earth with us because He needs her for way more! Her children, how and what do you say when a child loses their mother?! What, God, do we share with them and help them to move forward without this special person that loved them unconditionally since the day they were conceived?! And that is what my heart is trying to get a grip on as I process this difficult loss of this outstanding, caring, loving friend. I am constantly reminded that our children are God's and we don't know how long they will be in our hands, and we don't know as mothers, how long they will have us either. (Thank you Joy for helping me understand Gods Plan A)

Love. Love. and more love with your children every single day. Shed. that. chaos. And keep that joy in your child's eye as long as we physically can. Sara, you will live on in so many of our hearts for the rest of our life. Thank you for being you and may you finally rest in peace dear, sweet, beautiful friend.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Happy Fathers Day!

Well, tommorow my day will be "unplugged" so I just wanted to wish all the fathers out there a Happy Fathers Day!!!

and to all the awesome moms out there... (he, he, ha, ha, wink, wink, luv, luv....)

and of course a few photo ideas during dads special day...

Fathers Day Fun

Here are some last minute Fathers Day Gift Ideas from some creative friends!

Thank You Heather Eberle!! A great idea her friend gave to her and now she's passing onto YOU!! Get the letters from the store and take individual pics, or together, spelling out D-A-D!! LUV IT!!

Thank You Melissa Caira!! Get a blank canvas, have your child place on sticky letters (from Michaels) and paint over it. Once the paint is dry, remove the letters, have your child autograph it with name and year!

Thank You Lynn Walsh!! Each year she has her children make her hubby a poster like this. She says its great to see the words they use to describe their dad each year as they grow! What a great keepsake for dad to have!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Stay protected...WEAR SUNSCREEN TODAY; YOU and YOUR KIDS!!! 
Keep it handy all summer long!!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Young Dance

Year Two of another exciting Young Dance Recital!

Well, the week long dance recital is coming to an end and I am wiped out and I'm not even the dancer! My 5 yr. old Mia & soon to be 4 yr. old Julia have one more dance to go tomorrow night.  The love they already have for dance makes me really pleased and proud at how much they are already enjoying what they do.  Julia twirls from room to room throughout our house and Mia is constantly "teaching" her dollies the ballet positions.  While the possibilities of their interest may change as they grow older, I take into heart the people that are already impacting their young lives.

Sandy Young is an amazing woman.  She took what she loved, dance, and started her own academy creating opportunities for all ages in our local area.  Learning more and more about the "dance" life, there are parents at this academy that had Sandy as a teacher when they were young and now continue to bring their own kids to be taught by her as well!  Some parents are even traveling over 45 minutes and some parents are still dancing at the academy too!  This woman just amazes me with the way her academy is run, the huge amount of volunteers that help around the clock during recital week and the "bigger", kindest, gentlest girls that assist in my daughters classes making sure they are learning every position and move the correct way.   They show so much love and care to each child in class.  Sandy even has her own children, that are amazing dancers too by the way, teaching their own classes and rock-in out in the recital finales with her!  I'd love to be at a wedding reception jammin out on the dance floor with this family! Ha!

With recital week coming to an end, and me enjoying every minute of the exciting fun finale each night, I find myself feeling so overwhelmed with emotions on how grateful I am that Sandy followed her dream and shared it with so many others, and most of all seeing my daughters grow and love the art of dance and music with the Young Dance Academy.

How many lives would YOU change and impact if YOU followed YOUR dream?

“You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching,
Love like you'll never be hurt,
Sing like there's nobody listening,
And live like it's heaven on earth.” 
― William W. Purkey

A baby!

My girlfriends having a baby! 

After coming home from an extremely beautiful baby shower, I look back at my own pregnancies;

"We're pregnant!" with #1!  The excitement is there... it was a surprise to us all...
"We're pregnant!" with #2  Yes, a little more excitement, our family is now complete with 4!
"We're pregnant!" with #3  A little more shock than excited, not too much expression, ok, NONE!
"We're pregnant!" with #4  I do believe at this point, we were completely ignored!

My husband and I shared the joy in each surprised pregnancy, I was blessed enough to have the best doctor and four healthy deliveries with a safe pregnancy during each term.  It was the emotional part that was the most difficult after each birth. I'm so glad I had my sisters for support knowing I wasn't alone and each day got a little easier to share the joy of our child.

With my lifelong friend, Tina, having her 1st child, I couldn't help but share so much excitement to see and welcome this new expecting soon bundle of joy.  As much as I just wanted to tell her the do's and don'ts already as the "wiser, experienced" mom (seriously?!) I couldn't' help but just admire the baby belly and quietly bless her for a healthy and safe delivery and recovery.  NO, I'm not getting baby fever and YES, my Maximus (#4) is my grand finale and our family is complete!  But I'm so glad to share the new joy and excitement when I learn my closest friends are  expecting.  

and most importantly.... I do remember the last month... especially in the just let me share one piece of "wisdom" with you.... you are just not safe saying anything to an expecting mother at that point,  so smile, tell her how flawlessly beautiful she looks and wish her the quickest, safest delivery and recovery for her and the baby and be on your way! That is for your closest friends, now for husbands, just don't talk for 9 months if possible, its just the safest route!

Hugs and Luv sweet Tina & Jeff, (and to all the newest expecting mothers out there) I can't wait to meet your new bundle of joy!

TOP 5 Things of what NOT to say to a Pregnant Friend
(& what I would recommend to the new mommy!)!!

1. "Didn't you pop yet?"  (tell people a month later of the actual due date. Really surprise them, ha!)
2.  "You look exhausted!"  (really, of course YOU ARE! Tell us what we DIDN'T Know!)
3. "You wore heels?!?" (give us a break and mind your own biz! a grlz gotta wear what she wants!)
4. "Any thing yet?"  (come on! we're the one ready to go already, quit talking!)
5. "NOW your finally looking pregnant!"  (thnx, what part of that is a compliment?)

If its not nice, when it comes to pregnant women, don't say it at all!
Geesh, people really get the nerve!  Luv them, hug them, and quickly send them away :) hehehe!