Saturday, February 11, 2017

Fuel it up or Drain it out!

Energy vs. Time with Matthew Kelly
Great clip right?! A little refresher on what most of us already know??

I was always so quick to say, "we all have the same amount of time, its how we manage it", and most of the women I know manage their schedules pretty tight filling every second of the day with maybe a quick bathroom break.  This was the assumption of, "everyone will make the time to do whatever they'd like, it was about adjusting priorities".  Every minute accounted for anything, and everything we choose to do, need to do, want to do.  Except when we completely crash of exhaustion and our crazy schedules catch up with us.  That is when we find everything is put on the back burner because we don't feel good or are just. completely. wiped. out.

Time IS so important and managing it tightly is even more important!! But this next 6 minute clip is great for reminding us that without "energy" time is nothing.  Energy comes first and we hear it time and time again on making our women's health a priority in our life first.  Make decisions that will fuel our own energy and our own time. Will that brief moment of satisfaction fuel our energy for the day or fuel our satisfaction for that one moment?  Decisions, words, actions, all that we make a choice to do and say will either fuel us or drain us. 

The amount of time that we all have the same of,  is not the same quality of time considering our daily actions. Chips or Fruit? TV or Walk? Gossip about the ones that drain us or focus on the ones that love us? Stay up all night or get to bed early?  Sleep!! That includes the sleep your body needs (for all you new moms out there taking advantage of house chores when that beautiful baby of yours is sleeping, you need sleep too). Drink plenty of water, get your sleep and always keep your health first so you have the "energy" you and your family needs to get through your day.  Just always remember Fuel or Drain

I hope you enjoy this clip as much as I did by Matthew Kelly.   Make it a daily reminder to fuel your energy even more so than managing your time.  I sure needed to hear this and couldn't wait to share it with you!(please focus on his point of fueling your energy, not his voice, haha! ;))