Betch'ya thought I was going to give tips on a hearty healthy kick start breakfast?! Nope, sorry but I am going to share an even better chat...
Monday mornings; starting off after a busy weekend of the usual crazy schedules, family-friend-fun and yes, time with one another that we don't get often. Mondays are just tough getting up and back in routine but for most work places, its chaos and tons to "catch up on" because technically, the world still carries on Saturday and Sunday. Anyways, Mondays...

Mia was so excited for this Monday counting down the days till her Opera for the Young performance and I was just ecstatic to see her pride and joy in preparing for this fun event at her school. I was even more excited to see hubby was able to take the time to join us. The kids got off to school and hubby and I took advantage of the free morning to go out for breakfast before Mia's school performance.
I knew it was hard for hubby to take this time off and as much as he tries to be in the moment work still consumes him. He's great at what he does and if there were more of him, well, we'd have some even more amazing kids in this world all together. We went for breakfast at my girlfriends restaurant. They are quick, fast, delicious & close to the school so it was a perfect stop. As always, she greets me with a hug and smile and family chat while seating us. Coffee was immediately served and the usual customers followed behind us one by one keeping her greeting and seating them. Usual, I mention, because she knew everyone walking in. So sweet & I felt very lucky and blessed that hubby and I were able to steal a little time away together at this popular spot.

I looked back at my husband, this is what he feels when he is at work, fulfilling others the best he can using his gift to embrace his life of work. Our breakfast was served, satisfied deliciousness, and service was complete. I was anxious to get to the school. I thanked Zana for another great breakfast experience at her restaurant and admired all of her for finding such joy and doing it with great perfection impacting each person that walked in and out of that restaurant door. She was the family owner that went above and beyond in all said and done.
We went to the school and watched Mia and her classmates entertain their school with their talents. I'm always so grateful to all the teachers and staff and all they say and do each day with our children. I found joy in watching hubby take out his phone only to take pictures of our daughter we were so proud of. He had embraced the most special moment of our morning and wanted to capture all of our Mia in photos. The performance ended, more photos were taken (of course!) and before we could say a goodbye, we find hubby rushing off to work. Sad right? No, he took the time to be where it mattered most, with our daughter, embraced the moment with her and quickly got back to where he was needed even more. I'm grateful for his amazing work ethic and love for our four children, heart & soul, in all he does each day. Giving our family his all.
Take the small moments in life and embrace it no matter where you are and do the best in all you do. Do all you can to continue making the "best version of you" each day. It's not about perfection, its about joy & fulfillment. Every action you make in every minute is a choice on how YOU decide to feel. Embrace the beauty around you and take in every living, breathing, moment of it. All of it is for YOU and you choose to do whatever you'd like with it. Do it the "Zana-Way" and find joy and happiness in all the moments of your life appreciating every soul that appears in front of you. #BeBlessed