So I have detoxed before, loved the results and wanted to share with other moms the whats, whys and hows of a detox!
I brought in Detox Expert, and good friend, Angie Olson to share her tips and successes with Detoxing!!
Check out our video interview below:
Angi is a huge success with helping so many others continue their way to healthy living! I appreciate her time and knowledge and was very honored and excited to bring her to you at home! Thank YOU Angie for joining us (and being your awesome self!) and Lisa Tutino Sinnett for video work!
As for me, personally, Detoxing has helped me in the past get over my plateau of being unable to get past a certain weight and funk I was stuck in. Detoxing for me is seasonal, I do it when I feel like getting a fresh start on things (the New Year is always perfect for me) and when summer starts. Yes, we all fall off the health wagon once in a while and find ourselves with that sugar craving or inhaling foods that really aren't best for our body. Getting rid of all the excess junk in your body gets your body moving and feeling great all over again, even rids of the cravings you don't want anymore! I would recommend a detox before starting any new weight management program, it just gives you a complete clean start. Days 1-3 were the toughest for me, just really tired and crampy, (NOT CRABBY!) but everything was loosening up and after that it was smooth sailing!!
My Top 5 Tips that helped me have a successful detox:
- Have bottled water in the fridge and number each one! You should drink half your body weight in ounces every day. For example; If you are 160 lbs., drink 80 oz water/ day. So you'll have ten 8 oz. bottles of water in your fridge #1-10. You should be on #5 bottle by mid day!
- Mix lemon in your water, this helps loosen the "crud" up in your body.**
- Bag snacks (fruits, veggies, etc.) as much as you can; have them ready and handy to go.
- Prepare all the foods as much as possible; chopped, cut, soup prepared, lunch ready, etc.
- Get off caffeine, coffee, sodas, etc. a week or two before. This will cut down on your headaches and withdrawals during the detox week and make it a lot easier.
- GO TO BED EARLY! Get your rest and your kids in bed on time so you can let your body rest, its going thru a complete detox that your body isn't use to eliminating!

Think of this as cleaning your pipes in your kitchen sink. All that gunk and junk that you took in day in and day out has pieces attached to your walls inside your body that didn't get released, and this is going to gently loosen everything up, then clean it out while shining those inner pipes to let the new healthy food you'll start eating flow right through! (I know, its simple terms ;) Like Angie said, its all the built up junk inside us that may be causing some serious health challenges! It's time to seriously do some "house" cleaning and get your body moving & working the way it should be!
I never felt as light, clear, energetic and fresh once successfully completing a detox!
Here is the link for more information on the detox Angi & I both have used and loved:
The Moms 7 Day Detox
If you'd like to join us as a group with support, recipes and tips, please private message me @ or text/ call direct 262.945.4593 with your Detox Order and I'll add you to the online "private" group.
Here's to "Shedding the Chaos" in your body and starting fresh for Great Things to come!