Thursday, September 12, 2019

S1E1 Times Up! The Moms Cup of Joy Podcast, Episode 1

Click below to listen or read podcast below!

Hey everyone, thanks for listening in on my 1st Podcast!! WooWoo! and if you're reading this from my blog thanks for taking the time out of your crazy schedule to join us! 

My name is Connie Lynn and I’m the CEO of 6 kids, I always include that count as my husband being number 1, my 4 awesome kids, ages 15, 11, 10 & 8 and my dog, ORSO… woof, woof!  Ha ha just kidding, he’s next to me sleeping away! Everyday's a party at this house whether I want one or not and like most parties we have days that are completely off the wall and a few days far and in between where we get some down time together.  We are in the heat of crazy sport, school and church schedules and I felt it on my heart to start a podcast knowing very well I’m not the only one in this crazy season of life. So thanks again for joining us! I hope you come back and listen in on more of what’s to come but mostly I hope a few minutes of you listening in on each podcast can fill your heart with a bigger smile and a little more love each day!