Sunday, September 15, 2013

Soul-Full Sunday

Last week I listened to an amazing sermon and the question asked was, 
"Are you doing what matters the most?"

and... "What matters the most in what you are doing?"  
then you have a little different way of viewing it.  But...

WHAT DOES MATTER THE MOST TO YOU and what are YOU doing about it?

I've been finding myself answering that question everyday with my actions and activities that I fill my crazy busy schedule with like every mom does.  Do you realize that 

when you say YES to something or someone, you are saying NO to something or someone else... your children?  

When it comes down to planning and scheduling and requests of others for one reason or another, I put that question in my head, "If I say yes to this... I'm saying no to my children.  Does what I say yes to matter or make a difference to my family?"  Time is so valuable and 24 hours is the only thing all of us have the same of.

TIME 24 hours, we all have the same of.