4/2/2020 Day 20
The first day I put on an actual pair of jeans since quarantine. I was truthfully hoping they’d be a little bigger since I started my daily outdoor goals of 3 miles; either walking, jogging or bike riding and no skipping weekends; even if we’ve only had a couple quarantined weekends, who’s counting? I guess 20 days doesn’t get rid of past years habits; sweet teeth and inconsistencies of exercise. “Dude whatever, don’t judge,” says nice self to mean self! Just like anything else, the weight crept up on me like everyone said it would at age 40. Ticks me off that everyone was right including the sagging of unwanted skin. No matter how much I went in denial.

Some of us always said, “If we only had more time, I’m so tired of running the kids everywhere, I just need a break, I’m exhausted, etc” Every excuse is taken out of the book now. Some families are doing their best to get structure in the house. Couples are learning how to work together once again, and as my heart sinks knowing the reality; many parents are struggling while busier than ever with work and doing what they can with the kids at home, now, together. Parents are on the front lines in the medical fields or essential service industries praying the virus doesn’t come back to their families while having direct contact with people everyday just doing their jobs. No matter how you look at this quarantine; for some, it’s a family blessing to reconnect and for others, it’s a nightmare just wanting it all to be over with.
No matter where we are in the center of this epidemic, we have to make the best of what we can and know that we’ll never get these days back even with some never wanting to look back. We have to make the most of these moments in all ways possible and live our best lives, doing it for the sick that can’t, and for the people fighting in the front lines seeing the effects of this virus first hand.
When you feel you can’t stand anymore it’s time to kneel and pray; it’s not ALL we have left, but it’s having it ALL. As long as we have a breath to take today, a roof over our heads, food to eat, and a prayer to hope for, we have it ALL. Not giving today your all would be not living your purpose. Whether you know what your purpose is or not doesn’t matter, it’s living each day doing what your heart tells you is right, and when you follow that kind of intuition one day at a time is when your purpose reveals itself and the pieces to the puzzle start coming clearer. Be safe, be well, stay home, and count your blessings. Everyday no matter how crazy it is, it’s a Crazy Cup filled with Joy.
(Photos; living simple. A walk down by the lake on a beautiful sunny day, Maximus taking a break from basketball with Orso, Julia practicing her soccer with Cameron playing goalie and Mia giving her new Churros Recipe another try today for a little family snack!)