Learn how one child makes a special difference in so many;
Auggie, Via, Jack Will, Julian, Justin, Miranda;
Auggie, Via, Jack Will, Julian, Justin, Miranda;
a few of the special names that impact others in this story, just by silent acts of kindness.

*No matter what a person looks like, we all face many similar challenges.
I loved when Auggies sister, Via, talks through a "friend break up" that Auggie experiences. "Right now, we ARE each others best friends." These siblings stick together.
*The sun (son) is the center of the universe and they (the rest of the family) are other planets revolving around the sun (Auggie). Nothing wrong with that. one getting all the attention, so much to learn from being a listener; Sister Via stays quiet and kind and appreciates right where she is in the moment. Via's kindness comes back around from a friend that distances herself from Via because of her own challenges. Via has a moment to shine that all admire throughout the story.
*Dreams & Wishes do come true. Accept them in all ways and embrace it. (You'll see...)
*A bully in the school gets expelled and instead of the parents taking action on their own child, they throw out the threat of how much money they put into the school and how many people they know on the school board; accepting of how cruel their son has treated others. (oh if some parents could really see how much they hurt their very own child with these actions.) The principal reacts and says...
"Auggie can't change the way he looks, but we can change the way we see."
*Auggies friend, Jack, gets caught up in a conversation, saying very hurtful things. He realizes what he has done and the hurtful impact he has made. He then becomes a bigger friend after the fact by doing whats right as well as apologizing to whom he hurt the most.
*The principal understands both sides of a situation even though one side is unsaid. Consequences are made but doing the right thing is noticed.
*Another bully becomes the protector by finally not only saying whats right but by taking action and doing the right thing and being aware of difficult situations. See something, say something.
*Auggies mother, who has made him her entire universe, learns to let him out of the nest to grow and pursues her own dream, one that the family excitingly supports...
"Your heart is your map to where you are going and your face, your face shows where you've been." - Auggies Mother referring to her wrinkles and more.
If you haven't read the actual story yet, I hear, "its even better" from my Mia, 9yrs old. Bring your child to see this movie. As parents, we could learn just as much; Our teen years with our kids are even more important as before and after. Its not that they don't listen, maybe its that we stopped talking. Respect, love and kindness all starts in our own home, at all seasons!
Here are some links to click on and learn more about our world of WONDER! Please do take the time to watch, read, and share!!