Sunday, December 10, 2017

WONDER the Movie

Learn how one child makes a special difference in so many;
Auggie, Via, Jack Will, Julian, Justin, Miranda;
a few of the special names that impact others in this story, just by silent acts of kindness.

A movie that is a must see for every family.  With many classes reading this best selling novel and the #ChooseKind Campaign behind it, this is a story everyone can learn from.  So many great quotes from the movie that no doubt, we would all love to see posted in school classrooms and buildings.  Never underestimate the power of a kind, observant teacher or staff member, and the impact they make on our future generations to come.  It IS a village with the right people, the right hearts, and the acts of kindness, that lead the path of a loving community and child.  Its hard to put this movie into words, here a just a few of the gazillion impact moments...

*No matter what a person looks like, we all face many similar challenges. 
I loved when Auggies sister, Via, talks through a "friend break up" that Auggie experiences.  "Right now, we ARE each others best friends."  These siblings stick together.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Amish Friendship Bread

Thnx busy & fun momma, Kim!!
Chain letters are not our thing, this is way better! Follow this delicious & simple recipe... to enjoy the yummy results with friends and family! This is one to be easy and passed on as far as our mouth watering taste buds can take us!  My friend Kim left me a cup of the "starter" batter, I followed directions and ten quick days later, we baked the most yummy, cinnamon sugary, cake (FYI there is nothing healthy about this recipe)!  This recipe makes 2 loafs so 1) me and my kids happily devoured and 2) we shared with Angie on her special "baby" day!  Thanks Kim for sharing this Amish Recipe Love!!  Below is a copy of the "starter" recipe & here's a link to make an original (Jen@  Please share your comments and photo fun of your starters to see how far this recipe has gone! (Nicole, Laura, Marie & Kelly to start!)

GingerHomes, Ice Cream, and time together, Oh My!

If its one thing many of us don't do enough of, its enjoying our very own backyard.  Well, yes our home backyard of course, but our very own city life backyard.  If you are local and in the area, this is definitely worth putting on your holiday to do list (just try to be in the moment with me and not in the crazy hustle and bussel we are all in :) so trust me and add this on that long list!).

With it being the last, beautiful- is it really winter-day outside, we decided to embrace the city life of downtown Milwaukee.  64 degree weather on a December 4th night was enough to hit the town itself!  The drive into the city skyline could light up any "bahumbug" spirit.  The trees on every downtown street lit up in holiday smiles.  The weather may not have said it but the beautiful holiday decorations on every corner definitely showed that the Christmas Season was here.  We went downtown to the Market Place where there was a Gingerbread Display that college students created; their amazing talent took Gingerbread homes to a whole new level.  These homes were available to be bid on to raise money for their local community projects.  These were also Gingerbread homes that the best were voted on; this brought some serious viewing and fun into the beautiful display.  Take a look at the photos I couldn't resist sharing with you!

Monday, December 4, 2017

Who IS Tiny Tim?

Such a familiar image and quote that we all remember when it comes time for Scrooge and the Holidays!  With Christmas Cheer here, our calendars are already filled with Holiday School Events, family & friend gatherings, shopping galore for gifts & baking like crazy for goodies to share, with much, much, much more, forgetting the true meaning of Christmas; preparing for Jesus, Himself.   My kids, (and yours too!) are growing up so fast.  We slowly are falling short when it comes to time together, preparing for Jesus, as a family.  One tradition that I do love and enjoy, is embracing the amazing local talent in an annual Holiday Musical/Play.  It always puts me back in check to slow down and to keep the main thing, the main thing.   In this case, the main person, JESUS! (& I love when my parents join us for the occasion!)