Awesome Spray Chalk vs. Good Old Fashion Fun!
Well, we checked it out and our votes here at home are 50/50. Not like The Moms opinion matters on this one but we are the buyers of this company (CEO of our own households people!) so here's what I have to say about the Pros & Cons of each for all the CEO's out there...
Good Old Fashion Chalk
Get it at The Dollar Store, Walmart, Target, really anywhere; affordable, fun, may break into pieces but still good enough to last an afternoon of artsy imagination to let their minds go wild! Smaller pieces used as hopscotch rocks, crushed darker artsty areas on concrete, or what have you (your professionals know what to do!) Like crayons, they just keep collecting in a bucket and toss them when its time, but its a never ending supply because its inexpensive and fun :)
Awesome Spray Chalk

It does dry looking chalk- like which is cool. This was a great "one time buy" or excellent for a "gift" idea (yes! my kids would LOVE it!) because I do feel the Spray Chalk is a special treat to have and nice to paint a snowman in the winter, I just feel its a little pricey. Otherwise for summer time good old fashion fun, stick with the inexpensive sidewalk chalk, it'll last a lot longer for your buck.
Either way, get down and PLAY!!! It won't be long before that driveway is filled with cars and your kids will be driving off on their own so spend the time you can with them, get out in the sunshine and share your chalk photos on THE MOMS DIET FACEBOOK PAGE this summer & thanks for reading!