Thursday, April 20, 2017

Our Kids Heads & Helmets!

Julianne Mallonee, BSN, RN, CPN
Pediatric RN (19 years), 
Pediatric Neurology Nurse (11 years), 
Pediatric Neurosurgery Nurse (5 years) 
& most importantly, Mom of 13 years!  

When I took the time to look up "Dangers of not wearing a helmet", the photos that came up were gut wrenching; Children in hospital beds with more than just scrapes and bruises on their faces; bandages, wires, cuts, and more. Go ahead google it, you'll get the picture, ones that I just couldn't stomach to share.  What happens with the slightest fall when our children have a "little accident" while riding their bike in the driveway, just heading across the street or around the corner to the park?  What happens when you hop on that ATV while camping for a quick ride with a passenger wrapping his or her arms around you so tight from behind & then falls backwards onto the concrete? Accidents happen and they can be deadly.  The sun is out and the summer weather keeps peaking in. Our kids are more than anxious to hop on those bikes and get moving.  The Moms Diet brings in our helmet expert...

"Use your head!  Be Safe!"
Julianne on the far right with her family

Julianne (Bedore) Mallonee, Mom to Haley(13) & Ethan(11), & wife to Adam (very lucky man of course😊!) shares her knowledge and experience of what she has seen first hand when it comes to neglecting the easiest way to keep our kids safe...WEARING Helmets! She has shared this presentation below with many others and I wanted her to share it with all of us! To keep it simple from what I've learned thru this presentation is the slightest crack or bruise to a skull can lead to major bleeding on the brain causing tremendous damage especially if not caught in time. Skull Fractures may have similar symptoms to a concussion and the dangers increase with time, if not instantly. Wearing helmets is a simple way to avoid a very scary and possibly a very tragic danger to our kids. 

Helmets can reduce risk of Head Injury by 85% & Brain Injury by 88%
I'll let Julianne do what she does best and share her passion on the importance of wearing a bike helmet, for you and your children. This video includes very detailed information, regarding the skull, the brain, brain bleeds and real life examples.  If Julianne has encouraged you to make the decision to keep helmets on while out riding, please comment below how she impacted  you today!  

Always say YES! wear a helmet & YES! wear it properly!  If you'd like Julianne to share her detailed and very informative presentation with a group you care about, please contact her or message us at TheMomsDiet and we will be sure she gets it! More links that support Julianne's video presentation below & Help Hotlines: Children's Hospital of Wisconsin & Helmet Safety & Concussion Awareness Hotline