Wednesday, March 22, 2017

This Mom Climbs her way to the top!

The Mom, Mia & Trina do a Practice Climb!
I had the opportunity to join our local 9Round Team climbing the stairs to the top of the US Bank Building downtown this past weekend for the "Fight for Air Climb 2017". This event is organized by the American Lung Association in Wisconsin (ALA).  What a great experience it was! I always express how important it is to surround yourself with the amazing people, that help make a better version of you each day. I'm so thankful for my 9Round trainers who gave me that push to commit to it.  If I did not hop on the computer taking the 1st step to register, I would've not had the motivation to move forward for this fun experience!

The Mom, Monique & Trainer Rosie
Living each day is about the COMMITMENT, not the FEELING!! Who in the world would wake up saying, "YEAH! I'm going to climb 1,034 steps today?!" 9Rounder Rosie knows, I was more willing to be her cheerleader than climbing partner that day!  Monique Hughes, Senior Manager of Special Events @ALA & her team worked with us on practicing each Saturday in a shorter-version stairwell downtown.  This was so helpful in building up my legs to be prepared for the day and also hearing tips from others that have done this climb years prior; take your time, don't start off running, use the outer border of each platform to calm your heart rate, stay at an even pace and finish it out one step at a time.  I was also able to bring my 8 yr. old Mia to practice with me and she loved it! There were a ton of kids participating on the day of the event.  I'm looking forward to having her join me next year! (Until then, we are warming up for our Girls on the Run 5K together coming this June!  Again, commitment, not feeling, ha!)  

9 Rounders at Warm Up with Trainer Jerry!
The actual day of event just amazed me and inspired me as the main floor filled with Fire Fighters in full gear climbing to the top within seconds of each other one at a time!  These men and women run into burning buildings for goodness sake and continue to push themselves to help others in raising money and doing the climb for ALA.  It just blew my mind in what people do for others each day, pushing themselves to constantly give more of all they can.  Below are some fun videos I had a chance to put together with Monique as the event coordinator, Trina & Drew from 9Round Oak Creek/ Racine & Tosa & a few of our awesome members. Thanks again to the team that continues to give me the confidence in pushing this Mom to the top!  I encourage & challenge all you amazing moms to find a local fitness event in your area that you can start preparing for that may help a special cause in your life, and most importantly for a better, healthier you while having great friends & family to support all you do!