Original Book by William P. Young |
THE SHACK (Written by William P. Young) Book & Movie Chat! (
CAUTION: This may be a spoiler for you if you have not read the book or seen movie yet!)
When I saw the trailer for this movie, I was very excited! A few years ago, a friend had lent me this book that I quickly read through it all thinking, they have to make this a movie! Years later AND with Tim McGraw appearing in it to be a bonus, the movie has arrived. This is the first book I have ever read that followed with a movie and said, "The Movie is so much better." You don't hear that too often! If you are not a person of strong faith, it sometimes takes a miracle or sometimes a tragedy, for that to change. Either way, exploring more ways to grow in faith is a blessing.
"The Holy Spirit, Papa, Mack & The Son" |
This movie gives you an even bigger, more beautiful perspective than the book. The colors and beauty look beyond magnificent in a huge theater setting & makes the story even more "heavenly". The view, sound, sight, and understanding of how much beauty could be brought from such a tragedy is well read in the book but so heart warming and breath taking as you see it on the big screen. My heart still hurts from this movie feeling as angry as the father did when tragedy struck his family. More than tragedy, let's be real, a parents worst nightmare...ever... As a mother I would feel the guilt and pain of not being there with my family, how could a mother let such a thing happen and how does a mother & father move forward together as a family? But even Nan, the mother in this movie has that sense of Godliness, peace and calmness knowing God is always in control. Nan refers to God as "Papa", understanding that God is indeed the Holy Father of us all and shows the respect and trust she holds in Him. Her part was "small" but very serene and effective as a character that God trusts.