Thursday, September 22, 2016

Parent Sideline Guidelines

Lets be clear here, "Soda? or Candy?"
Yes, you read that correctly and I just can't hold back my excitement.  Each year we receive this email and I LOVE IT!  This organization, that we, as a family, have had the pleasure to be a part of for many years (4 Kids remember!) emails a kind reminder of what is expected from parents as spectators in this organization.  Now every sport is different, absolutely, but when it comes to being a spectator at any sport, chairs or bleachers, you need to remember...
if you are in the stands, you are the players biggest fan!  

Julia scored her 1st Goal!
You are not at that particular game, regardless of what sport it is, to judge, ridicule, complain, moan out loud, or scream at the other players, either team, or even your own child. I have seen coaches spend endless hours on organizing tournaments, communicating with parents, putting a team plan in action and doing the best they can while teaching and growing their team the best way possible. Some parents are the best AND worse advocate for their child. Everyone usually notices which one you are before you.   Sidenote: I have also noticed maybe one or two coaches forgetting about the team and revolving everything around their OWN child.  TEAM means you coach a TEAM.  There are other "individual" sports that you and, oh yeah, your child may be better off taking advantage of IF this is you.  It's still not too late to chase your own dreams while you let your child chase theirs.

David bringing it home!
So putting that aside and on one more note, we have had some amazing parents take the time to coach our children and are still very grateful for every single one of them.  The endless amount of time and fairness that you put into your team is forever appreciated, and it DOES take a village to raise a child.  As a coach, you are a huge part of that village, so THANK YOU!  

Cameron hitting it outta the park!
Ok, moving forward for real now, there is nothing more frustrating on a team sport than hearing the fans moan and yell out loud or under their breath to either team. Hopefully the players are already doing the best they can.  Most are already beating themselves up enough if they missed a play or other.  Put yourself out there, listening to your parents, complete embarrassment, right?! We are all our own worse critic.  Don't forget your one and only job when watching the game, is to enjoy the game and be THEIR BIGGEST FAN, save the coaching and teaching to the coaches! (& winning is EVERYTHING! hahaha!! Just Joking of course but it sure makes the game more fun!)

Richie keeping it real
Even when I see the kids have that "magical moment" on the field, the coach still takes that moment to make it a teaching lesson of how and what to do next time to be better.  That's WHY you have your child in the game, remember?!!  Its not fun when they stop learning.  Let the coaches do what they take the time away from their own families to do, COACH OUR KIDS! 

Ok, so enough chat, take the following "Parent Sideline Guidelines" from this organization, regardless of age it applies to, & for what it is just remember,  IF YOU ARE IN THE STANDS,  YOU BE THEIR BIGGEST FANS! I can't even pick a favorite to make sure you read, so just read all of it, I'm sure you'll agree with each one! 

**The following email was a kind reminder sent out to our family from the organization "The Moms" children partake in for the purpose of all moving forward in the season on the same note.  Organization is not mentioned for protection from the parents that don't understand all the above and still feel the need to, well, be the judge.**

Maximus loving the game
1.  There will be no criticism, name-calling, or threats made towards any of our players - your child, your child's teammate, an opponent.  NOBODY.  We can cheer and enjoy the game, but we will not put down, insult, degrade, or criticize any of our players.  After all, we are one team.  Despite that your child's team scores, you do not have permission to taunt, mock, or storm the field in celebration or retaliation of the fact that a 5-7 year old child managed to give up a score or score him/herself.  It also means that you don't automatically become the better parent/grandparent/etc. because your child's team scored.  We aren't winning any championships, and I'd like us all to behave as if we're all one team (because we are).
The LOVE of the game
2.  There will be no coaching from any parents during the middle of the game.  For a 5-7 year old, the game is difficult enough to comprehend (regardless if you think so or not), so extra voices only confuses and slows down our players' reactions.  Let's keep these distractions down to 1 voice, the coach.  You may cheer, but don't over-coach from the sideline.  If you'd like to volunteer to coach, that's another issue.  I can always use help during the week in training.  I can also use your coaching at home, but during games, the ears need to go to the coach.  Thank you!
3.  Your child must be to the game on time, and if asked, your child should be there so many minutes before the game starts.  Normally, it's a good idea to warm up a child before asking them to play a contact sport.  Getting there a minute beforehand only gives your child more of a chance to get hurt.  One more thing is that our coaches like to go over who is starting and plan for who can come in next.  Getting there late only ruins a coach's substitution plans and can drastically change what a game looks like.  So, if you're going to be late, be sure to notify the coach.
Maximus moving fast!
4.  Your child is not allowed to miss a training or game unless YOU have notified the coach before the training or game begins.  We do write up huge lesson plans which involve all of the kids, plan out an entire game of substitutions, and other aspects which get thrown in the trash when one player arrives late or misses.  Please take this into account as you plan for each game.
5.  There are no pets, smoking, and/or cursing on the sidelines.  Park rules dictate the first two.  Our children's ages dictate the last.  Let's be aware of who we are there for, the kids.  Let's be good role models for them.
6.  There are a few rules in which our coaches will try to teach our kids in a manageable way (handballs, heading, pushing, grabbing, obstruction, etc), but because they are 5-7, we will handle it differently than perhaps, we'd handle it with older children.  Allow our coaches to manage these difficult pieces.  

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

One Mom, One Mayor and One Unstoppable "Krew" for Kayla.

Every day, the world is changed by angels.  All different kinds of angels, some we see, some we may not, some that leave little reminders, and some that remind us what living life is all about.  As a Mom, we feel so blessed to call many of these angels, our children; the angels that put our lives in perspective, the angels that teach us kindness, patience, love.  The angels that test us on some days and melt our hearts another.  We never know reasons of why our life takes us where it does, but what we do know is our children, earths angels, are our personal trainers that complete us & assist us to be everything as moms, that we were meant to be.  

Thank you Mrs. Runte for your time to share your story & Mayor Steve Olson for going above and beyond...

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Who's in for some Summer "Moms Diet" Fun?!

The Mom & her cuties 2014
Mi Familia July 2012
The 5 am alarm clock of birds chirping was an early wake up call for me to get up and get out of bed.  It was impossible to get back to all my sweet dreaming and my daughter skootching close to me all night with the fear of her nightmare returning.  I don’t mind when we get our nightly visitors, it’s not very often anymore, however, it does turn a comfortable night into a ‘sore body’ morning.  Another sign of almost age 40 right there.   Eek! My kids are growing up too fast, yes, you know it, “The days are long and the years are short!” And I look back at when I started The Moms Diet (June 13, 2012!) my cuties were ages 9, 5, 4 & 2!  What a difference 4 years later makes… life goes by wayyyyyyy toooooo fast. (Don’t get me started J

Cherish My Girls!
Luv My Boys!
My mind races of completing my next piece for this blog that is anxiously awaiting to be finalized and published.  A piece that touched my heart and how serendipity had it to run into two amazing people on a fun day at a new park with my kiddos.  Being prepared for opportunity definitely came true on this day!  The interview of Kayla’s Playground will bring so much emotion and appreciation to your life and strengthen your positive circle of friends while holding your own, little angels, tighter.  I’m so honored to have it be a Moms Diet Post and hope others will share when it’s out. This summer is going to go by so fast and I’m excited to get deep into my passion of writing & photographing with a gazillion thoughts in my head of what piece should be next to share with all of you hard working amazing moms out there.

If you are new to my blog, please take the time to click & tour around! Checking out The Moms Challenges, reviewing the past ones and the present. Check out our Executives A-Z Summer Page to avoid any boredoms that may creep up on your child(ren) this summer.   I want you to check out the Husband 101 tab for a little chuckle and reminder of your own man you love, laugh, and live with every day. Find some own “Mia-isms” in your daily fun and I hope you click on many of our Connie & Angie videos (Poop Talk!) and gain some new motivation on a healthier, happier you! I also hope you explore and click on some past posts that may inspire, educate, or have you escape into, and be a better you in some kind of way.  More to come on baseball, summer hot spots, motivating moms that share their passion, 30 Min Moms, a little Lin-Manuel #Hamilton Chat, vacation fun, teacher tips, health suggestions, Cancer Awareness, Age 40 table talk, and the list goes on.  Maybe even getting risky and subscribe by entering your email and getting the newest posts as they come :) !

The Moms Diet, created & inspired by everyone above & more!
The Moms Diet is not a strict health page what so ever (be sure to read the “Why Moms Diet” tab) and if or when it comes to your turn for an interview, don’t worry!!  There’s no physical challenge I’ll ask you to complete except being yourself, having fun and enjoying the lifestyle of chaos you are in and out of each day.    So pull up a chair, dig into this “trough” of fun, (even on Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook & Instagram somehow and someway) and find some laughter, tears, motivation, life lessons and or excitement to fill up your daily bucket.  This busy, crazy, mommas going to take you on a fun summer ride and I hope you’ll enjoy every bit of it as much as I do.  So... 

keep shedding the chaos, keep the fun
& continue to live the lifestyle YOU deserve!!!

Monday, February 29, 2016

Leap Day, "Good Old Rolls" & Family

Family Picnic, Cameron brought as
much joy to them, as these ladies
brought to us!
My Grandpa in the middle!

The whole clan, my sisters and I remember
this one, my Grandma, always squeezing
someone tight (on the far right).

Leap Day, that extra day that comes every 4 years, that same day that I laugh of when I think how close my cousin Tiffany was to having a Leap Year Bday (Feb. 27th!).  As the world is hash-tagging, #DayItForward, I attend the celebration of my cousin, 85 years, as we lay him to rest.  We were never the family to say "great cousin, or great great grandma, or 5th cousin removed" when we spoke of one another.  A Cousin was a Cousin, a Grandma, a Grandma, an Aunt or Uncle, exactly that.  (Except GodMother, now thats GodMother & I personally do have the best one!)

Celebrating Rolly
(& his love for the Casino!)
I just love this one!
 My dads grandma with her sister.
My Dad loved fishing & gambling
with this guy!  Thanks Rolly
for some fun times.
Anyway, I attended the funeral today and as sad as it is saying goodbye, it was also a celebration on how lucky we were to not only know this man but to have the fond memories that we do spending fun times with him. We looked through old photos, finding ourselves deep into different generations.   My parents and I were fascinated with such history, love and fun!  Photos of my own grandparents, my dads grandparents, how they resembled some of our kids today and such a great trip down memory lane for a lot of the family members that haven't seen each other in a while.  Exactly how lives should be celebrated, bringing family together to remind us how blessed we are.

Mom always smiling with
her grand kids (Mia!).
Rolly with my Hubby & Dad.  
Besides all these great pictures and memories, we were also reminded of how much time has changed.  I find myself blogging on funeral days because it is a reminder for me of how precious life is and most of all how precious time with family needs to be.  As cousins of many generations on both sides of our family. we always got together for picnics or parties. Time together today, with so many of us, with my own children, seems rare. Busy activity schedules, work, baseball, church, the list goes on, and who has the energy to be the party planner?!   But making time as a family, not just in my house, but growing up with cousins and spending that valuable time with grandparents needs to be a must.  My mom, dad & aunts still do their best to keep us all together as much as possible & I love how my hubby does his best to bring the cousins together as much as he can when vacationing.

Family is family and never take it for granted, TAKE the time to MAKE the time! Learn & hear stories from past generations, that time with them, may be the last.  
Learn to celebrate one another, not just tolerate! 
(I find that one really funny!)

And for goodness sakes, when a photographer in the family wants to take your pictures, LET HER :) because it may be the only piece of memory that brings smiles to so many faces when its time to say good bye to another dear relative.  (yes, by this I mean, I don't take No for an answer when photographing you :))

Our love for Delores, Heather & Zoe!
Aunt Martha enjoying Mia!

Rest In Peace Rolly, enjoy your beautiful bride, LaVerne, whom we all miss so much, and thanks for always reminding us, 

"Who the hell cares what they think!  Do what makes you happy and live a hell-of-a-life because of it!"

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Digestion Fun with Apple Cider Vinegar & More!

While watching Angie & many others take Apple Cider Vinegar everyday and listening to people ask & talk about it, we read up on many more benefits & wanted to share our experience and research with YOU!!!! Please be sure to do your own research and choose what is best for you & your daily routine to good health,  Angie and I just like to share our personal experiences and what works for what we know best. Enjoy our video below!

Well... after viewing our fun video together of Apple Cider Vinegar, you could say a little Lucille Ball may have been with us!!  Haha!  I loved watching "Here's Lucy!" with my Mom & Nana all the time and OH! How they cracked UP!!!! at the "Vitameatavegamin" Episode!!!!  If you remember it, you know what I'm talking about!!!  This may not be Lucy's "Vitameatavegamin", but the AppleCiderVinegar has so much more to offer!!!!   Here's just a few more tips found & links to products mentioned in video...

To order your BRAGGS Apple Cider Vinegar "Angie-Style": 1 Case of Apple Cider Vinegar
For more info on the Strawberry-Kiwi Aloe Mentioned: Strawberry Kiwi Ultimate Aloe Link
For more info on the Digestive Enzymes Mentioned: Isotonix Digestive Enzymes Link
For more info on Digestive Health Kit: Digestive Health Kit

Monday, February 1, 2016


Appreciate the world around you 365 days a year.  What you are wishing would change, someone else is wishing they could have.  Appreciate the people around you and most of all, share it with them.  Do they know how much they are appreciated? or how little that act of kindness really meant to you?? How your universe would change, just by seeing the glass is full, not empty.  Either way, the glass can always be refilled!!  Tag your friend, family, a new acquaintance... tag them online and follow it with #Appreciate365.  Lets see in  just 1 year, 365 days... how many smiles we can bring to one another.  #Appreciate365 #TheMomsDiet

How my appreciation for life has changed at year 3-9.
Life is simpler when the little things kinda made my day...

1. Your license renews by midnight and you start your day off at the DMV!
It only took 6 minutes...vs. an entire day (8 yrs. ago)!
2. You get an email alert from Starbucks to pick up your FREE Coffee &
don't waste a second to use it.
3.  You get a close parking spot at the mall, only there to redeem your $10 cash coupon at your favorite store.
4.  Your awesome friends take care of your back you just threw out on a Sunday!
(YIKES & THANK GOODNESS for amazing (& Medical) friends!!!)
5. You still get excited when mom & dad bring over a Birthday Cake!!!! (Never too old for cake!!)
6. You love all the "I LOVE MOM" notes everywhere in the house.
7.  You could care less about the mess in the kitchen that was made from your cuties preparing your frozen waffles to start your day.
8.  You smile at every "Happy Bday" text & Facebook Message & absolutely love the personal cell phone messages of Happy Birthday being sung to you.
9.  You can't wait to snuggle up in comfy clothes in front of the fireplace with a glass of wine (or water!).
10.  The best hubby in the world can't wait to take you out for dinner to wish you the happiest of birthdays.

Friday, January 29, 2016

The Story Untold

I hear this song for the first time.  Not on the radio, not from a sale in a store, or online, but from a mother that feels this song needs to be heard.  She shares with me the story of how this song was first heard by her from a friend.  (A song that all mothers, I now personally feel, need to hear.)  A song of love, forgiveness, choice.

Never underestimate the power of two moms with a purpose.  They speak with Matthew West, the amazing artist of many songs including this one, and come to the understanding that this is a song kept from being shared because of the purpose of it & not wanting to cause anymore strong controversy; 
The. Gift. Of. Life.  

These two mothers, begin the “UNTOLD” Campaign hoping for others to hear this song by word of mouth; creating a website, sharing the video, and spreading the word with a social media campaign as well.  

My friend continues to tell me about the journey of this song, how it shares stories of local mothers that had an option, mothers that ask for forgiveness, and mothers that felt there was no choice, my heart was begging to hear the “Untold Story” for myself.

As she sat me down at her office desk, we went online to this beautiful website and this is when I viewed the music video of UNTOLD by Matthew West.

My heart felt extremely different for the purpose of this song than what it was set out for.   I heard this song from the perspective of ME.  As a mother, what is MY story?  What is MY untold story and purpose that I can set out for HIM, to please and serve HIM?   I am a child of God, and what is the Untold of MY book that I need to learn and know.  (As mothers, that sounds selfish, right?  ME, MY, I?!)  But who else do we turn to when WE need understanding, forgiveness, love and guidance?  Our Heavenly Father, Our God.  We do our best each and every day to be the best mothers we possibly can to our children, what about to OURSELVES? How can we help others and in return, feel that goodness, forgiveness, love and guidance within ourselves?

When we first hear the words, “You’re expecting a baby”, our entire world changes, our purpose in life becomes so much more than ourselves.  We have a whole new person to take care of and be everything to.  Sometimes, that plan takes a direction we never planned on.  Sometimes, that story takes an ending we can’t see through.  The entire picture of motherhood, planned, unplanned, told, untold, is a difficult road and through it all, WE are the “Untold” story that needs Gods guidance and love more than we ever possibly imagined to get us through moments we can’t do alone.

"God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers." -Rudyard Kipling

Motherhood is a season, seasons of so many changes.  When our child first comes home, when a child first goes to school, when our child is grown, when a child never sees their beginning, when a child is lost, passed…when we as mothers, after that long road, begin a new season for ourselves and see OUR purpose of what we are set out to do (OTHERTHAN Motherhood), after our children are set out to serve their purpose.

This song, to me, is MY GIFT of the Untold.  I am a child of God and what now, is my purpose through a new season of motherhood with Gods guidance and miracle that he is working on through ME, am I on the path, direction that fulfills my heart and Gods?  Our life every day is so sacred, what is MY work that He has called me to do? 

As Mothers, we ask God to please don’t close the book on US yet.  We still have a long way to go.  Empty pages to fill and the best part still is down the road.  WE, as mothers, are the story, UNTOLD.

Please share this song, this should not be a song of silence but a voice that all mothers need to hear and know that they are never alone in their Untold Story.

Friday, January 15, 2016

A New Year, A New YOU!!!

Thank you to my beautiful, best friend Angie, for always encouraging and inspiring me to be a better person everyday.  I'm so glad she took the time to do this video together, we always have so much fun no matter what we do.  We just hope to share and inspire you to smile, laugh, love & embrace your day, and maybe even pee your pants just a little!!  GO PACK! GO!!!

So its fifteen days into 2016.  Many of us started with that nice clean calendar, already filled it up with kids schedules of activities, parties and events coming up and many of us revised our goals and plans for the upcoming new year and what we'd like to accomplish.  What makes every year so different?  A fresh start, a new beginning, a clean slate!  I love January, (besides it being one month away from my bday, woowoo!) the house is all clean & fresh once the holiday decor is down (ok, mines going down this weekend!).  Schools back in session, new activities start up again, people start new health and fitness goals...then within 21 days...its all over with.  Yes!  21 days people already QUIT!  GIVE UP!  It takes 21 CONSISTENT DAYS to start a habit and people quit within the first 15!  WHAT IN THE WORLD?!?!?!  So stop it!  Not stop making resolutions, stop quitting what you didn't even completely start & fully commit to in the first place!  ha!  How can you quit something you never gave a fair chance to?