Monday, May 25, 2015

Our American Flag & One Strong, Sweet, 11 Year- Old Soul

Our Flag, One Boy, and a moment to never forget...

Of all the thoughts to write about on this very special Memorial Day, no words can express enough to thank the people that have served for our country and their families that have sacrificed even more. 

Embrace the ones closest to you and celebrate this 3 day holiday weekend safely but never, EVER, forget our true heroes.  Below is a video I came across from a year ago.  It is well worth the share to show how powerful history is to our next generation and how we cannot forget what Memorial Day really represents. 

Please pass, forward, and share this 7 minute video of this 11 yr. old boy, if you haven't done so already, and take the time to remember those we have lost...

As a mother, I cannot imagine how proud this mom is today, and every day after, and especially this day on the beach at Normandy...

Click below at;
Project Vigil to read more about this amazing, heart warming story & visit
www.TheVeteransSite.Com to learn more.

God Bless America & may you take today to remember 
all of those we have lost & those that continue to do everything it takes for our freedom.