Moms (& Dads!) bringing all of our PTO's, Students & Community... together.
2015 OC Elementary Schools Big Food Bowl

This year six elementary schools in the Oak Creek area came together for the 2nd Annual Big Food Bowl Drive. Nikki Gudzielanek, Edgewood PTO Parent & President, (Extremely busy mom!) brought our Parent Teacher Organizations (PTO) together to give back to the community in a way that would help other families have the food that many of us take for granted.
Every Elementary School in Oak Creek, a week before Spring Break, participated in a contest to see which school could collect the most food items. To keep the students engaged, items were tallied up each day by their PTO and students. A running tally was posted daily on the Oak Creek Elementary Schools Big Food Bowl Facebook Page. The schools were able to see by this running count who needed to catch up and who was in the lead! The school with the highest number of items donated wins the customized "Big Food Bowl" Flag to fly at their school for the year. A prize package for students also included a free BOWL of ice cream from our Georgie Porgies & passes for free BOWLing from our Classic Lanes & More!
The Edgewood Families collected over 6,000 items alone!
The Edgewood Families collected over 6,000 items alone!
ALL TOGETHER students from Elementary Schools of Carollton, Cedar Hills, Deerfield, Edgewood, Shepard Hills & Meadowview collected over 13,717 food items!!!!
Riteway Transportation generously donated their time and buses to collect the items from each school transporting two bus loads of food to local pantries; The Salvation Army, St. Stephens Family Life Center, All Saints Lutheran & OC Community United Methodist Church. Each organization waiting for the busloads of food with friends ready to collect and distribute, many, many helping hands came together.
**Click on the name to learn more of each organization**
Students from Edgewood, (Sylvia's daughter specifically!) organized in their own home community by distributing flyers & collecting items door to door with the subdivision contributing over 200 items! What a way to teach our students on how important giving back is and developing our younger generation to care for others even more.
Thank you to Nikki, Sylvia, Kate, Lynn, June, Zach & TJ for your time today and
Cathy Pielsnik for your Video Production Expertise!
Most of all THANK YOU to all the Oak Creek families that contributed and made this event another success helping our own families in need.
Stay safe this Spring Break, today and always!
Like & Share our OC Big Food Bowl FB Page to be a part of next years annual Food Drive!