Friday, March 27, 2015

The Big Food Bowl!

Moms (& Dads!) bringing all of our PTO's, Students & Community... together.
2015 OC Elementary Schools Big Food Bowl

The more I learn about our community, the prouder I am to have my family as a part of it. Many of us are fortunate enough to have food on the table each night and day.  Some of us, in our own community, are not as fortunate.

This year six elementary schools in the Oak Creek area came together for the 2nd Annual Big Food Bowl Drive.  Nikki Gudzielanek, Edgewood PTO Parent & President, (Extremely busy mom!) brought our Parent Teacher Organizations (PTO)  together to give back to the community in a way that would help other families have the food that many of us take for granted.  

Every Elementary School in Oak Creek, a week before Spring Break, participated in a contest to see which school could collect the most food items.  To keep the students engaged, items were tallied up each day by their PTO and students.  A running tally was posted daily on the Oak Creek Elementary Schools Big Food Bowl Facebook Page.  The schools were able to see by this running count who needed to catch up and who was in the lead!  The school with the highest number of items donated wins the customized "Big Food Bowl" Flag to fly at their school for the year.  A prize package for students also included a free BOWL of ice cream from our Georgie Porgies & passes for free BOWLing from our Classic Lanes & More!

The Edgewood Families collected over 6,000 items alone!  

ALL TOGETHER students from Elementary Schools of Carollton, Cedar Hills, Deerfield, Edgewood, Shepard Hills & Meadowview collected over 13,717 food items!!!!

Riteway Transportation generously donated their time and buses to collect the items from each school transporting two bus loads of food to local pantries; The Salvation Army, St. Stephens Family Life Center, All Saints Lutheran & OC Community United Methodist Church.  Each organization waiting for the busloads of food with friends ready to collect and distribute, many, many helping hands came together.
**Click on the name to learn more of each organization**

Students from Edgewood, (Sylvia's daughter specifically!) organized in their own home community by distributing flyers & collecting items door to door with the subdivision contributing over 200 items!  What a way to teach our students on how important giving back is and developing our younger generation to care for others even more.

Thank you to Nikki, Sylvia, Kate, Lynn, June, Zach & TJ for your time today and 
Cathy Pielsnik for your Video Production Expertise!

Most of all THANK YOU to all the Oak Creek families that contributed and made this event another success helping our own families in need.  
Stay safe this Spring Break, today and always! 
Like & Share our OC Big Food Bowl FB Page to be a part of next years annual Food Drive!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Our Mia turned SEVEN Yrs. Old!!!

Our Beautiful Mia WAS 6, NOW...SEVEN!!!!!

What?!?  Seven?  I remember someone once asking me awhile back, "Doesn't time fly by so fast?"  I responded, "No, its going by just perfectly."  Now, I take that comment back.  7 years old crept up so fast that I DO look back and wonder where in the world has the time gone?  You may know our little angel from her fun, crazy comments of The Moms Mia-ism's Page so in honor of her special day, I had to share with all of you, fun- loving- moms, what I've learned from my beautiful girl.  Some may say she rules my world, and I say, "your darn right she does!"

Stylin as always!

1. I've heard she's stubborn.  Thank GOD! While others call it stubborn, we call it strong- willed!  Don't mess with her and you'll be fine.

2. You can never wear enough layers...and dots go with stripes, prints go with dots.  It's a "fashion-mista" statement. Seriously.  This girl can make 8 dresses, all on at the same time, look great!

3. There is no rule on # of jewels to wear, enough bling never hurt anyone or clashed any adorableness! # of Purses?  What?! That question doesn't even make sense!

4. Keep good friends close to you, and always make them where a seat belt. (Dear friend, St. Fran, as pictured with Mia, was in a little fender bender with Mia & her hot rod. May he rest in peace, I'm pretty positive he is.)
Mia stuck in a snow storm!

5. Say how it is, "China?! Why does she make everything?  France only made one thing, China makes everything!" regarding her headbands & toys, most say, "made in China."

6. Birthdays are celebrated all day, all week, all month.  If you forget, you'll be reminded, so don't worry about forgetting.
(Hey its the Nana way, everyday's a celebration, you can never be sung to enough and your never too old to blow out your candles!)
Mia partied out.

7. Notes, notes, notes, you can never leave enough love notes in the house.  Mia goes through notepads and post its like crazy leaving us little "I Love You's" everywhere all the time!  It'll NEVER get old!

8.  Sleep, it doesn't matter how, where, or when, just get your sleep in!

9. Love love love your friends, color them pictures, give them hugs, write them letters, laugh and cherish every minute.  Mia loves loves loves those closest to her and she makes sure they know it too!
Mia 4 yrs old & Maximus

10.  You can always be a complete mess and still be as beautiful as ever.  "Me and Layla are just always messy because we like it that way!  Julia and Emery can be the neat ones instead." #luvcousins!
Mia 5 yrs old & Julia

...and there you have my lessons learned from my Mia!
She is my shinning light, my sweetest angel and most of all, she's ours.
Happy 7th Birthday Beautiful Girl!!

Myself, Mia &  Nana.  1 of Mia's favorite Angels.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Ann Bosman, Founder & President of the AMB Foundation remembering Amy

Ann Bosman-Foltz, a mother of two, a wife, daughter, friend and a sister to one amazing woman...

Ann Bosman & Connie Lynn remember Amy

Amy Bosman
Ann with her parents & sister Amy
Here's The Moms Diet Special Edition...
to Amy...
You realize how much a person has impacted your life even more so when they are gone.  Amy Marie Bosman left us at the age of 25 and I always say, she did more within those 25 years of changing other peoples lives than most of us will do in our entire lifetime.  She was vibrant, beautiful, happy, extremely intelligent and people loved her.  She was involved in everything at school; sports, community organizations, activity clubs, and excelled in it all.  She was top 20 outstanding senior in our class of 500 for both academics and involvement, she was our proud Kenosha Jr. Miss and so much more.

Amy in Guatemala
Some friends would have it all stop right there at high school graduation, but not Amy.  She took on the world by storm, graduating from Northwestern University with honors. She was with Teach For America teaching in rural and public schools. She helped raise every student's reading level in her class at Houston, TX. She was a part of the Habitat for Humanity project rebuilding a church in Alabama always building amazing friendships every she went. Amy traveled to Madagascar volunteering to build latrines in a small village. She was a part of the Guatemala Accompaniment Project and became so much more than the project, immersing herself into the entire community with the Network In Solidarity with the People of Guatemala (NISGUA).  When she returned home, she then began a dual masters degree program at the University of Chicago. Within one year of her studies there, Amy, 25 yrs. old, tragically fell off the balcony of her 9th Floor Chicago Apartment on March 22, 2003.
Amy so proud of all her students

All of us were stunned and completely in shock on Amy leaving us so soon.  At the same time Amy's Power Players went into action and knew how important it was to carry on her mission of changing the world.  The people closest to Amy began the Non-Profit, AMB Foundation with the mission to raise money for organizations that fight for social & educational justice and reform, and benefit the community. (That mission statement alone has Amy written all over it!  Her intelligence always blew me away!)  The University of Chicago also began the AMB Memorial Fellowship in her name; funding students first year pursuing unpaid internships.  The work these students are able to carry on in all different parts of the world in her name is exactly the mission Amy had of changing the world herself.
AMB's Power Players

Boys & Girls Club AMB Center
Back at home, Amy's little sister Ann immediately began carrying on the legacy of Amy, her only sibling, her best friend.  Ann with her parents Deb & Keith Bosman, and what I call are Amy's power players Lou Morrone, Jason Klapper, Karin Cesnovar, Jill Haberski, Aaron Foltz & Amanda Knight, among many other friends who Amy was more than just a part of, teamed up together and within four months of Amy's death, held the first annual AMB Golf Outing. This was also the start of the AMB Foundation.

Its hard to believe its been twelve years without Amy because her legacy has been living on so strong through this team of amazing people. Through the AMB Foundation , twenty-five + students have received between $500-$2000 in scholarships every year at our High School, Kenosha Tremper.  The new Boys & Girls Club in Kenosha received $70,000 from the AMB Foundation that was donated to what is now called the AMB Learning Center.  One of many of the organizations proudest contributions.

Ann with husband, Aaron
Amy's nephew, Jack & niece, Isabella
Family & Friends bid on items at Amy's Soiree
Ann, now married to Aaron Foltz, who is a strong force on the website and technical division of the foundation, and an amazing mother of two beautiful children, Isabella & Jack, together wanted to celebrate Amy as they do everyday but with a special family & friends event marking 10 years.  Ann put into action with a great group of committed friends, on April 20, 2013, a 10 yr. Soiree celebrating Amy and all the accomplishments of her life.  Over 150 people attended the formal event donating to a silent auction, enjoying Amy's favorite foods and music, and listening to the many people that were so impacted by Amy's life while here on earth.  We also remembered Amy by the emotional slideshow put together of all the events and magical moments that many of us shared while having her with us. (Watch the Memorial at Soiree Slide Show 1 & Soiree Slide Show 2)

Dinner after a fun day of golf
Friends celebrating Amy
The AMB Foundation will be hosting its 13th Annual Golf Outing on July 17th at the Bonnie Brook Golf Course, Illinois this summer. They are always open to newcomers joining the fun!  Coming up on the anniversary of Amy's death, Ann finds a strong force to continue her legacy as strong as ever.  Ann's mission with the team of Amy's Power Players are changing the world one day at a time, one person at a time and living Amy's dream of improving the world.
Special Gifts of the AMB
Sponsors on the Golf Course

Amy is remembered everyday.  Below is a quote Ann saw on Amy's bulletin board the day she went to the apartment to collect Amy's items.  "This was a perfect quote of Amy and how she felt of our world everyday."  Ann says.  This quote, we too, will live by carrying on Amy's legacy and never taking a day while here on earth, for granted.

"If the world were merely seductive, that would be easy. If it were merely challenging, that would be no problem. But I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world, and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day.
E. B. White
US author & humorist
(1899 - 1985)
Thank you Ann, for doing all you do, as a mother, daughter, friend, sister, and so much more.  
Amy still smiling and always in our hearts...

Click here to like the AMB (Amy Marie Bosman) Facebook Page for upcoming events &/or register for the Golf Outing!

This special edition of Ann & Amy is sponsored by The Connie Mall.  Amy had such beauty, grace and a side of crazy fun!!  Take a skincare analysis or enjoy the "Ruby Reds"  that remind me of her classy smile!  100% of all profits made at The Connie Mall from now until the AMB Golf Outing will be donated to the AMB Foundation.  (Click on the hi-lited links mentioned to view.)

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patty's Day from my cuties to yours!!  Enjoy some fun photos, St. Patty craft ideas and of course some yummy green foods too!

I hope you all had a great GREEN St. Patty's Day!!  Here's a few fun ideas I found to share!
How simple and fun! From 
A fun creative craft from Gift of Curiosity Blog by Katie!
Another fun "finger" painting rainbow!
A yummy treat with a St. Patty's twist to it!

And OF COURSE!!!  Why not green foods for the day??!!!
I think of Calcium when it comes to green and wanted to share some
Non-Dairy Options of eating your greens and getting your calcium too!!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Poop Talk with Ms. Angie & The Mom

Since The Moms last "Detox" talk with our Colon Cleanse Queen, Angie, we were inspired to do a "Poop Talk" Video!!!  As much fun as we had with this talk, our entire point is to be aware of your digestive system and what your body is telling you!  We are not health professionals, by any means ;) but we did want to share information we have gathered and some experiences we have heard or had that are clues to a healthy body system and not so healthy!  I personally think its worth your minutes of viewing not only for the fun but to make yourself a little more aware of where your body's heading and taking some preventative measures if necessary.  See if you know who our mystery caller is!?! (and a Thank you to the Bristol Stool Chart to make this video run smoothly! no pun intended!)

Click here for more Ultimate Aloe Info
We also wanted to share with you some of our own personal products we like to use to keep our own digestive systems clean!

 1) Ultimate Aloe Juice; its taste great, you drink it (works like the aloe lotion except from the inside out!)  My Ultimate Aloe kids have taken this since babies and it has helped them with constipation at times and during teething it soothed the gums.  It also has helped our family with skin challenges like eczema and psoriasis.

Click here for 7 Day Cleanse Info

2) 7 Day Colon Cleanse; this is what we like to do "seasonally" every 3-4 months to rid of the toxins and get the system cleaned out.  We've felt not only better, but our skin was clearer, had more energy and just felt "cleansed of all the crud".  This should not be taken for a quick weight loss!  Its a great way to get started on any new regimen you are starting to look & feel great, clean that tasty pallet and be a new you! 7 Day Cleanse

Click here for Probiotic Info

Click here for Childrens Probiotic Info

3) Probiotics; Just to maintain our overall health and good liver!  (There are several links on research and why everyone needs to be on a good probiotic.  We love this one and there is also a great Probiotics for kids as well! Probiotics

So there you have it, all in a nut shell!  Thank you to Angie Olson from "Success With Angie" for joining us once again and Mark Sprague for your video fun, time and amazing expertise!